ICE Values Maps

By Steve McIntosh

This series of graphics illustrates ICE’s latest approach to mapping the ‘landscape of values’ that underlie American politics.

The first graphic below shows how the significant influence of culture can be conceived with reference to the ‘Bedrock Values’ of the electorate.StratigraphyThe circles graphic below shows America’s three major values-based worldviews, which we’re calling: ‘Traditionals, Moderns, and Progressives,’ (including their approximate percentage of the population). These worldviews compete to define America’s political ‘Bedrock Values.’ Source: World Values Survey

CirclesIntegralWhen these three major values-based worldviews are mapped onto the left-right spectrum of America’s two-party system (as shown below), the three worldviews suggest four distinct political positions.


The two charts below show the details of America’s four distinct political values systems. Each of the four values categories includes positive and enduring ‘Bedrock Values,’ as well as shortcomings and deficiencies that are tied directly to that category’s positive values. Seeing ‘Bedrock Values’ through this lens suggests a fresh kind of national leadership that can integrate the full spectrum of American values into its platform. For more on these values charts see the ICE paper: Overcoming Polarization By Evolving Both Right and Left


Rich_CentrismRight 144

Showing 4 comments
  • Reply

    Thanks a lot for the information you have shared so far. I insanely love how you describe this. It’s interesting!

  • Giorgio Piacenza

    How does this values map compare with the Gallup poll of conservatives,moderates and liberals in the U.S.? Could the ICE values map be too optimistic? In the Gallup Poll,”Liberals” are only 24%, “Conservatives” 37% and “Moderates” 35%.

    For the integral project to come online in our lifetimes, we would probably need more liberals that can increase the postmodern population and move into integral.

    Also, although we can think of conservative and liberal voices/types at all developmental levels, several studies show that there’s no symmetry between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in terms of their attitudes and goals. The former has become much more radical and unyielding, with a sense of mission whether factually correct or not. The latter has become too “politically correct” and has become too tiepid about the cause of the poor and downtrodden.

    However, both parties have also been heavily influenced by transnational corporations, banks, the military industrial complex, big pharma the 0.01% and other special interests so that we may be living under a kind of plutocracy and corporate socialism.

    Any comments? Thank you.

  • Nathan Scott Shoemaker

    Steve I would realy like to see you site down and hash it out with Cenk Ugar on TYT. He called this election months ago and had a brilliant interview with Larry King. I was saying he is the most informed and rational commentator in America right now. And I have never been more excited by a bubble graph than when I see post post moderns bridging from socially concervitive traditionalism all the way to post modern progressives

    • Curtis

      GREAT idea. I think The Young Turks would be a really welcome audience for this topic. That would be great to watch, and then snippets of the video could be shared around socially for more engagement for ICE!

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