Thinking Ahead: New Podcast from ICE Cofounder Carter Phipps

By Carter Phipps

Recently, I fulfilled a long-held dream and launched a podcast, Thinking Ahead. The weekly show explores the movements, trends, people, and ideas that are shaping our evolving world–a description that’s broad enough to encompass my many eclectic interests. As an unapologetic generalist, I love having the opportunity to interview a diverse range of thinkers, from business and politics to science and technology to consciousness and spirituality. I also love having a new justification for my insatiable book-buying habit.

The podcast is also a critical forum for advancing and exploring the ideas and political approaches that this Institute was founded to pursue. To this end, it has given me the chance to reprise the series of dialogues that began my friendship and collaboration with my ICE cofounder Steve McIntosh, more than a decade ago. After I read the manuscript for Steve’s first book back in 2007, I invited him to discuss the ideas it contained, and one conversation quickly turned into two, and into ten. In those dialogues, the seeds of this Institute were sown, and I’m delighted to have a new platform to continue this evolving conversation. I interviewed Steve for my two most recent episodes, on the topics of politics, polarization, and ICE’s “post-progressive project.” If you’re interested in the work of this Institute, and the essential work of developing cultural intelligence, listen to the episodes at the links below. Enjoy!

Steve McIntosh Part 1: Cultural Intelligence and the Roots of Polarization

Steve McIntosh Part 2: Toward a Post-Progressive Golden Age

Check out all the latest episodes of the Thinking Ahead podcast and subscribe here: Thinking Ahead

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  • Carter Phipps

    Hi Doug,

    In many respects, this Institute was formed to answer exactly this question. I hope we can demonstrate many applications of this political approach and practical solutions in the coming years.

  • Doug German

    I find your ideas intriguing.
    Do you have examples where they have been applied in a practical way?

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